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  1. How to wear Swarovski Remix

    How to wear Swarovski Remix
    The Swarovski Remix Collection is one of our favourite ways to mix and match jewellery. These innovative magnetic clasp strands can be connected to create endless possibilities. If you've ever wondered how to wear Swarovski Remix, we're here to help. Swarovski has added even more sparkle with this versatile range of mixable strands with magnetic clasps and a variety of...
  2. Oscars 2018 jewellery - get the look

    Oscars 2018 jewellery - get the look
    Are you coveting some of the stunning jewellery looks of this year's Oscars? Here's how to get a champagne look on a beer budget. Want to see millions of dollars worth of stunning jewellery? Look no further than this year's Oscars. It has even been said that the jewels were the new stars of the red carpet. This year's Academy...
  3. 5 tips for choosing Bridesmaid jewellery

    5 tips for choosing Bridesmaid jewellery
    Bridesmaids play an important role at most weddings, and it falls to the bride to make sure they look stunning and complement the bride's outfit and wedding theme. Choosing jewellery for your bridesmaids can prove to be a tricky process. Jewellery is such a personal thing, and preferred jewellery styles vary greatly. How do you make sure the jewellery complements...
  4. Get it right this Mother's Day

    Get it right this Mother's Day
    No Mum (or mother figure) wants to miss out on being treated this Mother's day! No matter what anyone says about it being too commercial, you can't go wrong with a thoughtful gift. Mother's Day has a long history from Ancient Greek times to the more commercial modern day event. Between various religions and countries, it can be tricky to...
  5. How to wear pearl jewellery

    How to wear pearl jewellery
    How to wear pearl jewellery Blogs at Niche Jewellery | Shop Peral Jewellery Online from Niche Jewellery in UK.⭐Pearl Jewellery Online UK ⭐Easy Payments.
  6. Top gift ideas this Valentine's Day

    Top gift ideas this Valentine's Day
    A piece of jewellery is both practical and memorable - a new bracelet or pendant will be around to remind her of your thoughtfulness far longer than flowers or chocolates! If you are looking for a romantic and memorable gift to give on Valentine's Day, consider jewellery. The great thing about jewellery is the range of materials, styles and price...
  7. New year jewellery resolutions

    New year jewellery resolutions
    January is in full swing. Have you made any New Year's Resolutions? Here are some jewellery resolutions any jewellery lover can apply to make this year a sparkling one! Resolution 1: Sparkle more Banish the January blues with new sparkle for your jewellery collection. Used in the right way, you can add anything from subtle shimmer to all-out bling to...
  8. Favourite Winter jewellery pieces

    Favourite Winter jewellery pieces
    Winter is definitely here! And so are Winter jewellery styles. To make sure you sparkle this Winter, here are some top ideas to add festive shimmer this season. Embracing Winter It's December - so there's no denying Britain's cold snap is here to stay for the coming months. At times like this, the only thing to do is embrace it...
  9. Stunning jewellery looks on a budget

    Stunning jewellery looks on a budget
    You can easily change the look of an ensemble with just a quick adjustment to your jewellery – all without breaking the bank. Here’s how to carefully select your jewellery range for maximum flexibility and wear. Even if Father Christmas isn’t likely to leave a tiny blue Tiffany box in your stocking this year, you can still create stunning jewellery...
  10. Jewellery to sparkle in this party season

    Jewellery to sparkle in this party season
    Make a big impression on the party scene this season, with on-trend chokers, statement earrings and lots of layering.There's no doubt that an eye-catching piece of jewellery has the ability to make an outfit. As we enter the most social time of the year leading up to Christmas, these events give us the chance to shine in dazzling jewelleryto reflect...

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