Find the perfect pieces of jewellery to suit you, using our online questionnaire. Discover the metals and gemstones that will complement your skin tone, hair colour and personal profile.


What determines if jewellery suits me or not?

There are many elements that might factor when on the hunt for pieces of jewellery that perfectly suit you. Obviously, apart from physical traits, your individual style and what you’re wearing will have an impact on what jewellery will look good on you. 


But there are elements of your personal profile that will tell us a lot. Such as what metals and gemstones will bring out the most from your eyes, look stunning against your skin tone or complement your hair colour. So if you’re open to trying new things when it comes to your jewellery and are looking for a place to start, this is it.


What jewellery will suit me? Start with skin tone

Skin tone is the best place to start when looking for jewellery that suits you. And the easiest way to determine what skin tone you are, is to grab your phone, shine the torch on your wrist and check out the colour of your veins.


Do your veins appear…

Blue and/or purple? Then you likely have a cool skin tone

Yellow and/or green? Your skin tone is probably warm

None or all of the above? Ruling out the possibility that you’re a vampire, if you can’t really see blue, purple or green in your veins then you likely have a neutral skin tone.

If you have darker skin, this can be warm or cool depending on whether you have warm, apricot undertones (warm) or cool, blue undertones (cool). Your skin tone usually dictates what sort of metals will suit you best in your jewellery. If you’re still not sure from doing the torch test, try putting silver or gold against your skin. 


Warm skin tones

For those of you with warm skin tones, you will most likely suit yellow or rose gold metals, which will bring out the warm undertones in your skin. Warm Mediterranean, olive or tanned skin tends to suit most metals. And almost any metal will look stunning on you if you have dark, African skin, although delicate silver may not have as much impact as yellow gold.


Deep v-neck dress with jewellery

Cool skin tones

If your skin is on the cooler end of the spectrum, you will likely suit white metals best, like silver and platinum.

Woman wearing silver and turquoise

Neutral skin tones

If you find it hard to determine a vein colour or perhaps have an olive tone to your skin, you may have a neutral skin tone. In which case mid-tones are your friend and rose gold will look amazing against your skin.

Rose gold chain

Eye colour

As a general rule, people with warm skin tones tend to have brown eyes. While those with cool skin tones usually have either grey, green or blue eyes. 

Those neutral skinned beauties meanwhile, tend to have natural hair highlights and (in most cases) hazel eyes. This doesn’t apply to everyone, but may help you choose the right colours to make your eyes really pop. Particularly when it comes to choosing earrings, as they tend to accentuate your eye colour.


Are your eyes…



If you have blue eyes, jewellery with black, brown, silver and grey colours will help your beautiful blue eyes really stand out. If they are on the greyer side of blue, green tones will also bring out the green hint in your eyes. Interestingly, orange can also make blue and blue-grey eyes stand out.

Model wears large green gemstone earrings by sarah alexander


For those of you with brown eyes, the colours to look out for are on the green and blue spectrum. Throw in some purple for a complementary contrasting colour.

Model wearing munia gold hoops


Green eyes love gold and grey to show off their full beauty. Choose red for a splash of contrasting colour that will complement your eyes.



For those of you lucky enough to have hazel eyes (congrats! You’re extremely rare!) pink and purple are where it’s at. These will bring out the unusual tones of your hazel eyes.


Hair colour

Your natural hair colour may also provide some clues to the jewellery and gemstone colours that will suit you. Like eye colour, skin tone and hair colour tend to go hand-in-hand. With warm skin tones accompanying dark blonde or brown hair and cool skin tones often accompanying very light or dark hair.


Is your natural colour…



If your hair is on the lighter end of blonde, then colours like turquoise will look amazing on you. For those slightly darker or dirty blondes, pink is your friend.



Lighter brunettes may find blue looks lovely alongside the honeyed browns of your hair. But if you’re a shade darker, try reds, greens and purples.

Beginnings February Birthstone


White and gold will contrast beautifully with your raven haired goddesses, plus bright and bold colours in blue and deep pink.



Lucky redheads already have their own statement colour going on. But if you’re a redhead looking for additional colours to complement your russet locks, try neutrals. Earthy tones in green, brown and blue, for instance. Alternatively, a rainbow spectrum of colours that will bring out the highlights in your hair. 

Woman wearing Sif Jakobs jewellery

Jewellery to suit your personal profile

If you've got your answers to the above questions you should be able to match yourself to one of the profiles below. There are no hard-and-fast rules, of course, but it's a good place to start when trying to find those pieces of jewellery that suits you perfectly.


Jewellery to suit those with cool skin tones, green, blue or grey eyes, pale blonde, dark brunette or black hair

If this sounds like you then you should be looking for jewellery made from white metals like silver and platinum. Almost anything on the blue spectrum will suit you. But for those paler blondes and black haired ravens on the far end of the hair spectrum, look for turquoise tones. Turquoise itself, of course, but also stones in aqua colours like Tourmaline and Aqua Calci, especially if you also have blue eyes. Alternatively, if your eyes are more grey than blue, try opal and moonstone grey-blue stones.

For darker brunettes, dark blues like sapphire and emerald greens will look stunning alongside brown eyes. Also, ruby colours and moody purples like Tanzanite and Amethyst. Your cooler skin tone will also look fabulous alongside traditional and rose-tinted pearls.


Jewellery for those with warm skin tones, brown eyes, dark blonde or light brunette hair

If this describes you, then you need to be looking in the direction of yellow and rose gold jewellery to suit your profile. You’re looking for gemstones where darker greens and blues merge, like Alexandrite, Labradorite and Kyanite. Also the greens that have yellow undertones and oranges or yellows such as Citrine and Amber. Ice white pearls will look gorgeous against your skin.


Jewellery for those rare beauties with red hair, hazel eyes or neutral skin tones

If you’re one of the lucky few to have been born ginger your options on complementary colours are more limited, but no less pretty. In terms of metals, yellow gold should look fabulous with ginger locks. Depending on your skin tone, it might be wise to steer away from rose gold, as this may accentuate pink undertones. But if your complexion is more tanned or olive, this may not be a problem.

Woman with red hair wearing ania haie in blog about finding jewellery to suit you

When it comes to coloured gemstones, green is your best friend. That's because almost any hue will look amazing alongside your red hair, from emerald to bluey-green teals. These will all also look stunning on you if you have red hair and blue, grey or green eyes. 


Other contrasting colours that work a charm with this profile include royal purple or white. And if green is your best friend, blue isn’t far behind. From cobalt and pale blues to rich navy, they all look great with red hair and blue or grey eyes. Definitely investigate emeralds, sapphires and their more budget friendly version in green cut glass. Also Lapis, Topaz and Aqua Calci on the blue spectrum plus Amethyst for purples.

If you have red hair and hazel or brown eyes, try brown and pink, as well as white. Think Coral, pink crystals and pearls in traditional white or rosey shades.