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About Les Georgettes Jewellery

Les Georgettes - customisable jewelleryLes Georgettes - customisable jewellery

Les Georgettes creates innovative designs that let you create custom jewellery. A completely customisable bracelet is created with interchangeable and reversible leather inserts.

In few seconds, create your very own collection of exclusive Les Georgettes by changing or reversing the leather to go with an outfit, mood, or occasion!

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How to wear Les Georgettes

Step 1: Choose your bracelet, from beautiful designs in a variety of finishes and widths. 

Step 2: Choose your leather insert, featuring two sides for different moods or occasions.

Step 3: Choose which way to wear it - with the bracelet alone, or with one of two sides of your leather. And presto - you have three looks and design options from one bracelet.

Les Georgettes Styling

Les Georgettes is handcrafted by artisans in France from solid brass, and finished in either silver, yellow gold or rose gold high quality PVD. 

Customisable bracelet

A Les Georgettes bracelet can be worn in so many different ways.

Wear with or without an insert. Reverse the insert to change your colour. Or make a collection to mix and match to different outfits.

Les Georgettes

This is a versatile way to get the most out of your jewellery collection. It's also great value. Being both patented and trademarked, Les Georgettes is a truly unique jewellery concept.

And now with an even wider range including rings, earrings and pendants, you can mix and match your Les Georgettes jewellery for any occasion.

Why we love it

Stylish, customisable, unique - Les Georgettes is an innovative and versatile design. With Les Georgettes you can create so many different looks to suit your style or mood.

The jewellery that be re-invented with a flip of the reversible leather insert or a new colour. Les Georgettes is the original French creation.

Stylish and unique, you can customise your jewellery to reflect your own personal style, with interchangeable and reversible coloured bands.

Les Georgettes

Mix, Match and color to suit your style for any occasion or outfit. Read our blog on how to style your Les Georgettes jewellery.

The versatility of this jewellery brand comined with its unmistakeable French style make it a must for any jewellery box. Just one piece of jewellery creates so many different looks.


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If you are looking to buy Les Georgettes jewellery online, you've landed in the right place. At Niche Jewellery we stock a stunning range of Les Georgettes bracelets and jewellery, all with free UK delivery and 30 day returns.

Les Georgettes gifts

Les Georgettes is one of the most versatile jewellery ranges on the market. This makes Les Georgettes jewellery a wonderfully personal choice for a gift, which can be customised by the wearer in any way they like.

There are so many different beautiful designs to mix and match. Our range of Les Georgettes jewellery has something for every occasion.

When you order a jewellery gift from Niche Jewellery online, you can add a free custom printed gift message. If you add a gift message, we'll leave the printed invoice. Find the perfect gift.

Les Georgettes jewellery gifts

Niche Jewellery is an official Les Georgettes stockist, with a fantastic range of designs - all stocked in the UK for fast delivery.

Our experienced customer representatives are ready to help at Niche Jewellery in Leigh-on-Sea or by telephone on 01702 480898 - find all the ways to contact us here. We offer free standard delivery on all UK orders, or next day delivery.

Les Georgettes has captured the hearts of fashion enthusiasts worldwide with its exquisite and customizable creations. Melding traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design, Les Georgettes offers a unique range of jewellery that exudes elegance and allows wearers to express their individuality like never before. Whether it's for a special occasion or everyday wear, Les Georgettes jewellery effortlessly adds a touch of sophistication and charm to any ensemble.

Why choose Les Georgettes?

1. Craftsmanship and quality: At the heart of Les Georgettes lies a commitment to impeccable craftsmanship and exceptional quality. Each piece of jewellery is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans using the finest materials, for longevity and enduring beauty. The brand's attention to detail is evident in every intricately designed pattern and flawless finish, making Les Georgettes jewellery truly unique.

2. Customisable designs: What sets Les Georgettes apart from conventional jewellery brands is their customisation concept. With their patented design, the brand allows customers to personalise their pieces by choosing from a wide array of vibrant and interchangeable leather inserts. This empowers wearers to transform their jewellery effortlessly to match their mood, style, or outfit, offering versatility like no other.

3. Timeless elegance: Les Georgettes jewellery embodies timeless elegance, blending classic motifs with contemporary trends. Each piece reflects a seamless fusion of modern aesthetics and everlasting style, appealing to a diverse audience of all ages.

4. Eco-conscious ethos: Apart from its beauty and craftsmanship, Les Georgettes takes pride in its eco-conscious practices. The brand is committed to sustainability and ethical sourcing of materials, ensuring that their creations are not only stunning but also responsibly produced, making them a conscientious choice for the environmentally aware consumer.

Les Georgettes jewellery transcends the boundaries of conventional adornments, celebrating individuality and self-expression through its customisable designs and timeless elegance. With an unwavering commitment to craftsmanship and sustainability, the French luxury brand continues to leave an indelible mark on the world of jewellery, captivating hearts and turning every moment into a cherished memory. Embrace the spirit of Les Georgettes and discover the art of versatile jewellery.